boat registration, british virgin islands yacht registration, marine documentation, USA
15 February, 2025


The USCG and the EPA now requires that owners of ALL US Flagged Vessels (yachts of any size), operating outside the US or in a foreign port or waters obtain an EIAPP certificate for EACH DIESEL ENGINE rated above 130 kw (approx. 175 hp). These requirements also apply to foreign flagged vessels.
The requirement applies to those engines above 130 kw which were
  • (a) installed on boats built on or after January 1, 2000
  • (b) which have undergone a major conversion on or after January 1, 2000.
  • (c) any engine that has been replaced with a new engine built on or after January 1, 2000
  • (d) any existing (used) engine (effective July 1, 2010)
Yachts over 400 gross tons require an additional certificate. (International Air Polution Prevention) IAPP Certificate.
The following diesel engines are not required to have an EIAPP certificate:
  • (a) Engines which are used solely for emergency purposes in life boats or for any equipment intended to be used solely in case of emergency.
  • (b) Engines installed on drilling rigs and platforms and that are solely dedicated to the exploration, exploitation and associated offshore processing of sea-bed mineral resources.
If you plan to offer your vessel for sale, you should make sure you can include the Certificate(s) along with all other pertinent vessel documents to the Yacht Broker representing you. The purchaser will need them.

Vessel Registration, marine documentation, Registration boat

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