boat registration, british virgin islands yacht registration, marine documentation, USA
27 July, 2024

BRITISH SMALL SHIPS (Part III of the Register) For vessels under 24 meters.
British small ships registry is available only to residents of the UK. A corporation may not register on British Small Ships.

To be eligible to register on Part III, applications need to be made either by a British Citizen, Non-UK citizens exercising their EU right of freedom of movement or worker’s right for establishment; British Dependent Territories citizens, British Overseas citizens; People who are British subjects under the British Nationality Act 1981; People who are British Nationals (overseas) under Hong Kong (British Nationality) Order 1986; Commonwealth citizens not falling within this paragraph.

For the purpose or registering a small ship it means an owner lives in the UK for periods which add up to 185 days or more in a 12 month period. If you are a resident in the UK for tax purposes, you will generally be regarded as a resident.

An alternative is British Ships (Part I).
Members (Citizens) of the Commonwealth who may register on British Small Ships IF they reside in the UK for 185 days or more in a 12 month period.
Botswana Bangladesh Antigua & Barbuda Cyprus Australia
Cameroon Brunei Darussalem The Bahamas Malta Fiji
Ghana India Barbados United Kingdom Kiribati
Kenya Malaysia Belize   Nauru
Lesotho Maldives Canada   New Zealand
Malawi Pakistan Dominica   Papua New Guinea
Mauritius Singapore Grenada   Samoa
Mozambique Sri Lanka Guyana   Solomon Islands
Namibia   Jamaica   Tonga
Nigeria   St. Lucia   Tuvalu
Rwanda   St.Kitts & Nevis   Vanuatu
Seychelles   St. Vincent & Grenadines    
Sierra Leone   Trinidad & Tobago    
South Africa        
United Republic of Tanzania        

Vessel Registration, marine documentation, Registration boat

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